Do You Know What a Fire Alarm System Is? – Code Android

An alarm for fires should be in all buildings. The fire alarm system detects smoke, fire and carbon monoxide. It alerts people to evacuate promptly. Perhaps you’re thinking about how the alarm system for fire operates. Let’s look at the basics and then discuss the system.
Four main components compose the components of a fire alarm system.
1. When the fire gets started, devices sense heat and smoke. They include pull stations and smoke detectors.
2. Alert devices warn people of possible dangers. These include bells, chimes and the horns. There are also strobe lighting that alert deaf people of the danger of fire.
3. The fire alarm panels serve as the central control unit of the fire alarm system. They send signals to monitoring agencies to request assistance in case of situation of emergency.
4. The power supply comprises 12v batteries which provide 24 hours of backup power in the event of an interruption in power during an emergency.
For more in-depth explanation on how fire alarms work you can watch this video.