Save Money By Getting Lock Repairs Instead of Replacements – Saving Money Ideas

The video will show you how you can reduce expenses and save money by fixing your locks rather than changing them.

The door lock can be modified by replacing or replacing the lock. Changing the key is a common step during lock repairs for residential doors. This method ensures that keys that were previously utilized will not work to unlock the lock.

The cost of lock repairs
The repairs to locks are to make them compatible with the new key or pins and springs which make up the internal workings, need adjustment during the rekeying process. You can rekey locks yourself through a kit at a cost of 15 and 25 dollars. Expect to pay between $80 and $160 for professional lock repairs if you’re not able to do the.

Cost of replacing the lock
You should budget around $80-$300 per lock. Add the possibility of a $200 additional for an installation by a professional, depending on the high-end. But, most door locks are DIY-friendly due to the required directions.