Category: Homepage

  • Three Reasons RSS is Alive and Well

    Critics of Rich Site Summary, RSS, have claimed for a long time that the medium was useless. After the death of the popular RSS application Google Reader in July of 2013, those same critics rallied to say that the redundant medium had finally breathed its last. Here are three reasons why those claims are foolish…

  • Why Should Your Site Care About RSS Feeds?

    Why should you care about RSS for websites? What does an RSS feed for websites have to do with your company? What difference will RSS feeds for websites make in your business? Ultimately, what is the benefit of RSS for websites? While RSS feeds have actually been around since the late 90s, they are just…

  • Why You May Want an RSS Feed

    There are not enough hours in the day, and for that reason there have been many technological advancements that make certain activities faster and easier. One of these advancements is an RSS feed for websites. You may not know what that is, but you will soon, and you will leave with the added bonus of…

  • RSS Feeds For Your Information

    RSS feeds for websites stream information from other websites. News headlines, videos and data can be instantly seen by internet users who are looking at the websites that they are being sent to. With RSS for websites, internet users can stay informed without having to go to different websites to get their information. RSS feeds…

  • Use RSS Feeds to Share Important Information with Your Customers

    One of the best ways for businesses to increase visibility and attract new customers is building a dynamic web presence. In order to do so, having a great website is almost always a necessity. But if a business is constantly evolving, and therefore making changes to their site, it might be hard for customers to…

  • Get More Site Visitors with RSS Feeds

    If you are involved in any way online you have surely heard about RSS feeds. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or some people use the acronym for Really Simply Syndication. RSS feeds are also called web feeds. Using an RSS feed is the best way to accomplish syndication or sharing of content with other…

  • Use RSS Feeds to Harness the Power of the Internet

    Web users today often use the internet in order to keep up with all of their favorite topics. While some will want to find RSS for websites that talk about their favorite sports teams and athletes, others might want RSS feed for websites that share the latest news regarding business trends, the stock market, politics,…

  • RSS For Websites Matters

    When you are creating a website there are going to be a number of things that you will want to make sure are in place as you go out and make an RSS for website. If you already have an RSS for website feeds and everything else that is supposed to go through them, then…

  • Use RSS to Boost Reader Loyalty

    When it comes to spreading information throughout the internet, there is no greater resource to utilize than RSS feeds for websites. RSS means, in simplistic terms, Really Simple Syndication and creates a quick, easy and entertaining way for people to share things with others. The concept is fairly simple, much like a syndicated news source…

  • 3 Advantages of having RSS feed for website

    RSS which stands for Rich Site Summary is a format used by websites to be able to update and publish contents frequently. In the past RSS feed for websites are thus commonly used by sites that have regular contents that are updated or published, such as newspaper sites and news channels and blogs. However, almost…